Recent Graduates
Denise Reyes, Ph.D.
Denise Reyes is an assistant professor of industrial/organizational psychology. Reyes received her Ph.D. and M.A. in industrial/organizational psychology from Rice University and a B.S. in psychology from the University of Central Florida. Her main research interests revolve around leadership and training. Reyes was selected as the Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology’s 2019 Joyce & Thayer Graduate Fellow, demonstrating exceptional research in training and development. Her other research interests include diversity, rejection in the workplace and the psychology of teams. Her research has been published in academic journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, The Leadership Quarterly and American Psychologist.
Allison Traylor, Ph.D.
Allison Traylor is an Assistant Professor in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Clemson University and the principal investigator of the Advancing Research on Teams (ART) laboratory. She received
her Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Rice University and her B.S. in Political Science and Business Administration from Northeastern University. Her research focuses on teamwork, diversity, and the intersection of these topics in organizations. She has conducted research in a wide range of industries, though most of her work focuses on teams in healthcare and engineering. Dr. Traylor’s work has been published in a number of peer-reviewed outlets, including the American Psychologist, Small Group Research, and the Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety.
Tiffany M. Bisbey, Ph.D.
Tiffany M. Bisbey is an Assistant Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology at TheGeorge Washington University in Washington DC. Her research examines the factors that faclitate and hinder collaboration so that teams remain flexible and able to adapt to changing situations. She also studies how employees and leaders develop the skills necessary for team resilience and effectiveness. This work involves the design and implementation of training and development systems that meet the demands of the hybrid 21st century workplace to ensure stakeholders get the most out of their investments. Dr. Bisbey also examines the role of teamwork in driving organizational safety. Her research has involved quality improvement in healthcare, team training for combat medics, collaboration in long-duration space exploration, and a variety of other safety-critical contexts. She is currently investigating the influence of leader receptivity to team member voice on safety outcomes, identity formation, and well-being. As a scientist-practitioner, Dr. Bisbey’s research also informs her work as a consultant to industry partners in healthcare, education, entrepreneurial start-ups, technology, law enforcement, the military, and more. She conducts a great deal of translational research toward these efforts to produce practical, evidence-based guidelines for collaboration and alignment across organizations.
Other Rice Alumni
- Julie Dinh, PhD (2020) — City University of New York, Baruch
- Chelsea Iwig, PhD (2019) — Johnson Space Center, NASA
- Shannon Marlow, PhD (2018) — University of Texas at San Antonio
- Christina Lacerenza PhD (2017) — University of Colorado, Boulder
- Stephanie Zajac, PhD (2017) — Houston Methodist